2nd Exam/ECE/CSE/IT/MECHATRONIC/0190/May’19
(FOR 2018 BATCH)


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. Under normal operating voltages the reverse current in a silicon junction diode is in 1μA . 
  2. Ripple factor in full wave rectifier is 0.48
  3. CMOS means Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
  4. Write the relation between α and β. solution β.=α /1-α  
  5. Biasing in transistor is done to stabilize the Operating Point (Q -Point).
  6. At absolute zero temperature an intrinsic semiconductor behaves like Insulator.
  7. In saturation region both junctions of transistors are Forward Biased.
  8. When a P-N junction is heavily doped its breakdown voltage will Decrease.
  9. Operation of JFET involves  Majority Carrier.
  10. Boron has Four valence .
  11. An ideal diode has Zero forward Resistance.
  12. The ideal value of stability factor is  one.
  13. The communication path in an FET through which the carriers flow between drain and source is called Channel.
  14. A capacitor circuit does not allow passing  dc Components.
  15. The material used for the construction of LED is band GaAsP.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                                                                                                                             5×6=30

  1. Compare the MOSFET and BJT ?
  2. Explain the behavior of P-N junction under different bias Conditions ?
  3. Draw h- model of CE Amplifier.
  4. Describe the importance of load line with suitable Diagram ?
  5. Explain the terms avalanche and Zener Breakdown ?
  6. Give advantages and applications of CMOS.
  7. Derive the relation Ic = αIE + ICBO and explain different terms used in them.
  8. Write a note on drift and diffusion.
  9. What is a filter circuit? Explain the working of LC filter


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                                                                                                                                               3×10=30

  1. Compare CB, CE and CC Configurations with at least five
  2. With the help of diagram and waveforms, Explain working of Center tap full wave
  3. Explain the divider method of biasing for transistor (CE).
  4. Write a short note on any two of the following:
    1. Thermal Runaway
    2. Varactor diode (Symbol, operation, application.
    3. BJT as an a Amplifier.
  1. Explain Construction, operation and characteristics of a MOSFET in depletion and enhancement modes. 

Basic Electronics BE 2nd Semester May 2019 (Batch 2018) PSBTE Question Paper for Only Batch 2018 for CSE and ECE


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BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BEE 2nd Sem Diploma PSBTE Paper MAY 2019 new Batch 2018 Cilck here

BASIC Electronics may 2019 batch 2018 subject code 0190 DIPLOMA PAPER SOLUTION

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Section b solved be paper new batch 2018 may 2019

Compare the MOSFET and BJT Behavior of P-N junction under different bias Conditions Behavior of P-N junction under different bias Conditions Draw h- model of CE Amplifier Explain the terms avalanche and Zener Breakdown ? Give advantages and applications of CMOS.

advantages and applications of CMOS.

Derive the relation Ic = αIE + ICBO and explain different terms used in them.

Derive the relation Ic = αIE + ICBO and explain different terms used in them.

Write a note on drift and diffusion. What is a filter circuit? Explain the working of LC filter
  1. Write a note on drift and diffusion.
  2. What is a filter circuit? Explain the working of LC filter Solution Click Here 

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Section c :-BASIC Electronics may 2019 batch 2018 subject code 0190 DIPLOMA PAPER SOLUTION

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Section c solved bee paper

Explain with neat sketch, how electricity can be generated from coal in a thermal power State and explain Norton’s theorem. Show that the theorem is just the converse of Thevenin’s theorem ? Draw and explain the construction of lead acid battery in detail and its Working ? Explain R-C series circuit with the help of Phasor diagram in Details ? Series Resonance  Kirchhoff s Law

Kirchhoff s Law

Chassis and ground

Chassis and ground

BASIC Electronics may 2019 batch 2018 subject code 0190 DIPLOMA PAPER SOLUTION Contact Us

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